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Filing a Trademark in Cuba Is A Must

It is fine that you have trademarked your business, but if you find that there is an issue of infringement, you should know how to stop the same. Since the mark enjoys a registered status, you will have no difficulty in starting a litigation against the user. But if you have not undergone the registration process by filing a trademark in Cuba, you will not have the right to take legal action against the user, who is using a logo similar to that of yours.

Seek legal advice
As a layperson, you may not know how to make your way through the legal complexities. But you can swing the tide in your favour by seeking the advice of a qualified attorney. The lawyer whom you counsel should be competent and knowledgeable of the trademark legislation of the jurisdiction. Trademark counterfeiting is one of the most common problems, if you think that your business rival is trying to compete with you in an unfair way, by using a counterfeited symbol, you must immediately take legal advice.
Lawyer simplifies the process
If you have not filed for protection, or if your mark has not been registered; then, the lawyer will advise you to undergo both these procedures. Getting a trademark is as important as having it protected. In this context, you will also like to note, that as per the Cuban regulations, 3d objects, colours, scents and fragrances also enjoy trademark protection. The process of the trademark application in Cuba is simple and inexpensive. Things become even simpler if you seek the advice of the Intellectual Property Attorney Miami


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