A distinct and clear trademark is used to represent specific type of business carried out a company. They allow companies to build very good public image, good will, and brand reputation. A trademark can be anything; it can be a name, image, device or a symbol and often related to the product or name of the product. It is used to distinguish the goods among other similar goods. A logo, a word, or a slogan is often associated with the trademark. For example COCA-COLA, BIG-MAC, THE SHELL, MasterCard and Visa express their domains and distinguish themselves among similar service or good providers. Trademark Attorney Miami will explain the advantages and benefits of getting registered under the Trademark Association of America.
Specific domains are represented by various trademark associated with them. Certification Marks, are used everywhere to indicate the quality of the products. Some of the brand names are so popular and they are known for the quality and standards in their specific domain. For example Apple with the image has become extremely popular in the communication domain and mobile industry.
The company thrived ahead and the very image of Apple with a bite taken away indicates how much people love to own iPhone. It has become a synonym for quality and designing of mobiles, that many companies later follow their designs and qualities. In other words these trademarks associated with an image act as an indicator expressing the source of the products. Irrespective to the size of the company most of the companies have their own logo or trademark.
Source URL https://patenttrademarklawyers.wordpress.com/2016/09/15/why-it-is-important-to-use-trademark/:
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